Zhan Jun: National Team’s High Morale After Two Consecutive Wins + Home Advantage, Hoping to Create a Miracle
On November 18, Beijing time, the Chinese national team will face Japan in the World Cup Qualifiers 18-team round at hom…
Japanese Media: Takefusa Kubo Dislikes Xiamen Stadium, Says It Feels Like Artificial Turf
On November 18, according to The Sports Nippon, Takefusa Kubo said during a training session at the Egret Stadium that t…
Official Release: Civilized Spectator Guidelines for China vs Japan Match: Add Luster to the Event!
On November 19th, at 8 PM China Time, the Chinese national football team will face Japan in a home match. Before the gam…
Japanese and Korean Media Report Simultaneously on the Sold-Out 60,000 Tickets for Xiamen Home Ground: Beware of China’s Devil Home Advantage
On November 18, before the 6th round of the 18-team qualifier match between the Chinese national team and Japan, both Ja…
Full Stadium in Chinese Red! The Atmosphere at the Home Ground of the Chinese National Team Starts to Heat Up, Screens Display “Go China!”
On November 19th, at 8 PM tonight, the Chinese National Team will face Japan in a home match. Before the game, the Egret…
Beijing Youth: National Team Adds Defender Wang Zhen’ao from Shanghai Port, No Plans to Add Strikers for Now
According to Beijing Youth reporter Xiao Nan on November 16, China time, after a decision by the national team coaching …
Japanese Football Legends on the Narrowing of China’s Home Ground: All Tricks, No Wins
On November 20, in response to the situation where China’s home ground was narrowed for the Sino-Japanese match, s…
Media Predicts China National Team’s Starting Lineup: Ivan Returns to Diamond Midfield, Weishi Hao and Wang Ziming as Dual Strikers
On November 19, the Chinese national team will face Japan at the Egret Stadium in Xiamen this evening. Media personality…